Missed out on part 1? Catch up here.
Missed out on part 2? Catch up here.
By Sam Petrou
When we are at peace with ourselves the energy that we emit radiates through boundaries beyond imaginable, orchestrating a ripple through time and space.
As we emit this radiating energy we start to feel a sense of belonging and trust in the world, a sense of appreciation as we feel part of the bigger picture.
Over the past few weeks I have taken you on a journey to help you find balance and peace within yourself and have provided you with the tool of meditation to support you in finding this inner peace.
This week I would like to introduce you to an activity you can try with your family, friends and friends of friends to help you “get to know” your higher-self a little bit more.
Before we get started on the exercise, we need to establish something quite important. In Part 1, we established the power the ego can have on us. Well, your intuition is usually the inner-voice of wisdom that we feel first. It is a warm, fuzzy sensation that can be felt in our hearts and our tummy area. The doubt and fear usually follows soon after that, but it is our mind that creates this, so it is important for you to be aware of this while practicing this exercise, as to not allow the ego to dismiss your intuition.
This exercise uses psychometric practices, which in simple terms is a psychic ability where someone can read the energy of a particular object.
I have selected this method as it is an easy approach for people who are only learning to open up to their intuitive selves.
What do you have to do?
- Get a group of friends together, say 2-10 people. The more the merrier, try and keep the numbers even.
- Ask everyone to bring something that is important with them on the day you run this activity, for example; a piece of jewellery, a lucky stone/pendant, keys etc. Preferably something that others may not have seen before to make this effective.
- Set up the space so everyone is sitting in a circle facing each other, you can be either seated on the floor or on chairs this doesn’t matter.
- Using a large container (e.g. ice cream container) ask each person to place their item inside.
- Start with a short meditation to set the right energy – 5 to 10 minutes.
- Walk around the circle and ask each person to draw an item out of the container, if they pick up their own piece ask them to place it back without showing it and get them to try again.
- Ask everyone to close their eyes and focus their energy solely on the item at hand, and to take note of any thoughts, visualisations, feelings and sensations they may experience during this time. Keep the atmosphere calm and quiet and allow everyone as long as needed to pick up the energy from the item they are holding.
- After about 5-10 minutes or once you notice people becoming restless, ask them to open their eyes and go around the room one at a time so each person can share what they felt/experienced. Once they have finished sharing, get the owner of the item to identify themselves and to share how relevant the persons experience was to the piece they selected.
You will find that most of your friends would have connected quite deeply with the item they had and sharing their experience will support each other as a group.
An example of what to expect: Someone is holding a pendant and they may be getting a feeling of love from an older person, they may notice a sweet smelling perfume and a song may be playing in the background within their mind. When the discussion starts and the owner of the piece identifies themselves, you find out that a loved one had given her this pendant and she loved wearing this type of perfume and enjoying singing and dancing.
So although things may not make sense (which is where the ego can kick in), it will come together when it is discussed amongst the group. The importance is not to try too hard, and to allow the energy to flow as it comes. If for any reason you are unable to complete this exercise, there is nothing wrong – patience is an important part of spiritual growth and dealing with your intuition, so keep practicing.
With plenty of practice, you will start to see that the ability to “Listen to your Soul” comes quite easily and is within each and every one of us.
I hope you have enjoyed the “Listen to your Soul” series and I hope the tools I have shared allow you to see your life in a different way I am forever grateful to have you join me and for the lovely feedback I receive each week from you.