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Category: Listen to your soul series

  • Listen To Your Soul Part III

    Listen To Your Soul Part III

    Missed out on part 1? Catch up here. Missed out on part 2? Catch up here. By Sam Petrou When we are at peace with ourselves the energy that we emit radiates through boundaries beyond imaginable, orchestrating a ripple through time and space. As we emit this radiating energy we start to feel a sense…

  • Listen To Your Soul Part II

    Listen To Your Soul Part II

    Missed out on part 1? Catch up here By Sam Petrou The ability to listen and understand your inner-self doesn’t always come easy and in most situations it is something that gets left out of the lessons we learn as we grow up. Fortunately, there are certain tools and exercises you can explore to help…

  • Listen To Your Soul

    Listen To Your Soul

    By Sam Petrou There are a lot of us who feel like there is always that “something more” yet we feel that it is out of our reach, we tend to feel trapped and scared without really knowing why. This blog series “Listen to your soul” has been created with the intention of allowing us…