Your Weekly Guidance is here! I hope you all had a great weekend and are ready for a busy week.
This week is all about taking Action Steps for your life purpose and passion.
Our Angels are asking us to be aware of the negative chatter that occurs in our minds, the self doubt and the “I’m not ready for this”. It’s now time to be focused and prepared as the Universal energy that supports us has accelerated and we need to be in the right frame of mind to take these actions.
In saying this, the energy may be right, but we can’t expect to receive any return if we haven’t made an effort – after all we are in the physical realm. So if you are wanting to open your own business, start your own community group, volunteering – anything you dream about – what ever you passion, it can be done with a bit of direction.
Enjoy your week loved one, blessings to you.
Find out what lies ahead on your spiritual journey with a Psychic Reading with Sam